Reflection 117- The Enclosure of Your Heart
Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy - En podcast av My Catholic Life!

Some religious sisters and monks live a cloistered life within the confines of an enclosure. No one may enter that enclosure without good reason, unless they are a member of that community of faith. Others may enter only with the permission of the superior. It may be that a sister is gravely ill and in need of the Sacrament of Anointing, or it may be that a workman must enter for a needed repair. The image of an enclosure is analogous to our soul. We must give the key to Jesus and allow Him to safeguard it. He will only allow those who belong to enter in (See Diary #554).What is it that you allow into your soul? Do you allow the Lord to guard you and govern your inner thoughts and your heart? Too often, we allow many worldly things to enter. We open wide the door to the enticements of sin and filth. Give the key to your soul to our Lord. He will guard you and keep you safe. He will welcome all those with whom He desires you dwell, and open the door to those who come to heal and restore. But He will diligently protect this sacred space of your soul from that which does not belong, if you let Him.Lord, I do give You the one and only key to my soul. I choose You as my guardian this day. Allow me to commune, freely, with those whom You have invited into my life and set before me. Help me to love them and to serve them with all my heart. As I give You this key, I thank You that You will protect me. May I trust You and never seek to welcome that which displeases You, and that which You do not welcome. Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2021 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.