Reflection 115- The Will of God Will Keep You Safe

Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy - En podcast av My Catholic Life!

The Will of God is much more than a future plan God has laid out for you.  It’s more than His hopes and dreams for you.  His Will is your path to holiness and it is a source of the greatest consolation and joy.  His Will is both active and passive (permissive).  It’s active in that He has definite plans for you and calls you to discern those plans and embrace them.  It’s passive in that He will permit certain evils to befall you as a result of your own sins and those of the whole world.  Do not fear when God permits some evil or some suffering to come your way.  Jesus Himself is the perfect example of one who experienced the effects of the permissive Will of the Father.  Do not be surprised or scandalized by what God permits.  His passive and permissive Will invites you to trust in Him in all things and allows you to grow in faith and trust of Him no matter what your future holds.  Do not be afraid of that which God permits. (See Diary #541).Reflect upon any way that you are confused or even scandalized by what God has allowed to happen in your life.  Know that He knows what He desires and He knows what He permits.  Do not be afraid of His permissive Will.  Do not be afraid to accept all that befalls you with faith and confidence.  What God permits is done so as to manifest His providential care for you and as a way of increasing your own faith and trust in Him.Lord, when I suffer, I sometimes doubt Your love and care for me.  I question whether You are there, sustaining me and leading me.  Give me the grace I need to endure all the effects of sin in our world.  Help me to face the effects of my own sin and those of the world with courage and confidence in Your protective hand.  Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2022 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.

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