73: Can boys be Ballerinas?
Dads Podcast Project - En podcast av Ramon Campoamor

Today on the podcast I wanted to touch on a question my son had asked me about boys being ballerinas. He was watching some cartoon where the boy character was talking about and dancing ballet. After the show he asked me if boys could be ballerinas. Now I am bias when I say this but my kids are lucky to have us as there parents. I told my son yes. This yes should be the end of the conversation for most but for some more is needed. To preface if you are anti LGBTQ+ or feel that ballet is a woman only kinda thing then I will save you some time and let you know that this podcast episode is not for you. With that said consider what it is to form your kids opinions before they have had the opportunity to develop one on their own. As parents all we can do is our best to help our children navigate this world.