29 Sander Raeijmaekers a Dad’s view of postnatal depression (PPD)
DADICATED.COM - empowering Dads - En podcast av Philipp Hartmann

Sander is a dear friend of mine. He is 41 years old and has one daughter together with his partner Babiche. Sander has always been a big inspiration for me as a dad. His wife struggled with postnatal depression after Lou was born and it was very valuable for me to hear first hand how they managed that situation. Sander is a humble, warm man with a big heart. He has an awesome family and both our families have been friends for many years. We obviously speak about how his partner’s postpartum depression impacted Sander and Babiche as a couple, what it is and what he learned from the situation. We also cover each of our birth experiences and how to empower dads during birth, breastfeeding, not sleeping as young parents, unmet expectations and how to deal with that in a relationship. The most powerful takeaways for me as a dad where: Step up as a Dad. This is a decision you choose for yourself. Go to all the checkups be there for the Birth and make sure that you are being involved. Ask questions and apply yourself. Have a Doula present during Birth. Be flexible and do not hold on to expectations. Dads are able to empower their children by not minding but minding them at the same time. Lastly please do check out togetherforcapetown.com. Our aim is to provide 3.000.000 meals to children in Cape Town’s townships before the year is out and since our start three weeks ago we were able to raise 55.000 meals so far. You can find more under togetherforcapetown.com. If you like this episode, please leave a review. As always, I appreciate your time, thank you for listening in. Enjoy this session. Links from this episode: Book: “Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams”, by Matthew Walker: https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C5CHFA_enZA883ZA883&q=why+we+sleep+matthew+walker