Overwhelm, Info Overload, & Marriage Thoughts
COURAGEOUS PARENTING - En podcast av Isaac & Angie Tolpin - CourageousParenting.com - Tisdagar

People feel more overwhelmed than ever, could it be what we are feeding our minds? What we saturate our minds with daily will contribute to feeling overwhelmed or joyful. Isaac and Angie get raw and real about their marriage in handling overwhelm with valuable practical insights.Technology can be incredibly useful but also has the potential for harm. Do we get rid of the smartphones or become more disciplined with them? That’s a choice for each family, but Isaac and Angie Tolpin make an argument that our children need to see us model self-discipline with technology and as they get older help them be self-disciplined in how they use technology as well while they are in our homes.Companies we love who sponsor the show:Voetberg Music Academy; the online music class that children actually love and make progress with! Get 20% off with code COURAGEOUShttps://www.voetbergmusicacademy.com/Creating a Masterpiece; the preferred Art course by the Tolpin children creatingamasterpiece.com/courageousSamaritans Ministry https://samaritanministries.org/becourageousSupport this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/courageous-parenting/donations