How To Pursue a Godly Marriage In a Fallen World

COURAGEOUS PARENTING - En podcast av Isaac & Angie Tolpin - - Tisdagar

Here are some of the main points from this episode:No Marriage is Perfect! We just celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary and one thing that hit us that oftentimes what people share is not the full truth or even fully close to the reality of the journey one has been on for ____ amount of years in their marriage! We don’t want you to ever get the wrong impression that we think we have the perfect marriage, or that we would even portray that! We do have a thriving marriage, and for that we thank the LORD because it’s what He has done in each of our hearts that has brought us to this place! But the reality is that relationships, particularly marriage, can be hard, people sin against and offend one another, get selfish, annoy each other at times, and so much more. The reality is that two sinful humans enter into holy matrimony, which means there is a huge opportunity for hurt, sinning against one another, being selfish, being “real” with one another which can often times equate to “not trying anymore.” BUT, on the bright side that means there is equally an opportunity for each individual in the marriage to grow in grace, forgive, grow in understanding, love, serve, be more selfless, and ask for forgiveness and walk in humility acknowledging when they sin! God deeply wants to do a powerful work in you and in your marriage. AND He has chosen marriage as the best avenue for refinement in all the godly character qualities He wants you to grow in! Isn’t that exciting?Our Sponsors Have Valuable ResourcesMasterbooks the Masterbooks Giveaway and you might receive some of our favorite curriculumsCreating a Masterpiece Academy 66% off retail by using discount code COURAGEOUS at checkoutSamaritans Ministry MORE RESOURCES:becourageousministry.orgresoluteman.comcourageousmom.comCONNECT WITH THE MINISTRY AND THE TOLPINS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Courageous Parenting:-Instagram: Tolpin:-Instagram: Tolpin:-Instagram: this podcast at —

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