Children's story told in English - En podcast av Simon&Susan

THE THREE LITTLE PIGS Three little pigs left their parent’s home and went out into the great, big, world to seek their fortune. One was called, Fun pig, another was called, Care-free pig, and the third was called, Practical pig. Fun and Care-free were nice little pigs but they liked enjoying themselves more than using their heads and thinking. Practical liked having fun, but only after he had done all his work, and he never did anything without thinking it through and planning it properly. The three little pigs decided to build themselves a house. Fun pig said, “let’s build it of straw, it’ll be easy, then we can play.” Care-free pig said, “no, let’s make it of sticks, they’ll make a better shelter and be just as quick to build as a straw house. We’ll have it done in no time and we can play for the rest of the day!” Practical pig said, “there you two go again, more concerned with playing before finishing your work properly! A house of straw or sticks? Are you crazy? Don’t you know that there is a big, bad, wolf prowling the countryside? A house of straw or sticks won’t be any protection against such a beast. We must make a solid house, of bricks to live in, we’ll be safe inside it, against the weather and the big, bad, wolf.” Fun pig and Care-free pig didn’t like the bossy sound of Practical pig’s voice, nor did they like the idea of building a house of bricks - that took a long time and was a lot more work than just throwing together a shelter from straw or sticks. “You think you know everything.” Said Fun pig. “You go ahead and make your stupid old house of bricks, I’m going to make my own house of straw – it’ll be perfectly fine; and you worry too much about the big, bad, wolf, he’ll never bother us, and even if he does, I’ll be safe in my house of straw.” Care-free pig said, “Hmph! In that case, I’m going to make my own house of sticks. Bricks take too long to make, and then you have to do all that measuring and cementing, what a waste of time! I’m not scared of the big, bad, wolf, anyway. I think he doesn’t really exist. It’s just a story that bad people like to tell to scare everyone with.” “Very well, suit yourselves. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Said Practical pig, sadly. The three little pigs set about making their houses separately. Fun pig threw his tiny house of straw together in a matter of minutes, then he trotted over to see whether Care-free pig had finished his house of sticks yet. Fun pig only had to wait a few more minutes for Carefree pig to finish his tiny house of sticks, then they both trotted over to see whether Practical pig had finished his house yet. “I bet he hasn’t finished yet.” Said Fun pig. “You know him, always making things difficult for himself.” Sure enough, Practical pig was still making the bricks out of clay and baking them in the oven, to make them hard. “Don’t you want to come and play with us?” Asked Care-free pig. “Not now,” said Practical pig, “I’ll play with you once this house is built – I won’t enjoy playing when I know there is something important that I haven’t done.” “Ewwww, you’re such a party-pooper. Work, work, work, that’s all you think about. It’s a lovely day! Come and play!” Said Fun pig. “No thanks, I’ll be with you when I’m done.” Said Practical pig, and he kept on working while the other pigs went off to play. Practical pig continued building his house of bricks, through rain and shine. Finally, he finished, and he could relax, so he trotted over to see his brothers, but as he was trotting, his brothers came running up the road towards him. “Where are you going?” asked Practical pig. “The big, bad, wolf is chasing us – hide! Hide in your house! Quickly! Run! Said Fun pig. Practical pig looked down the road. Sure enough, a big hungry wolf was running his way. Practical pig ran past his brothers.