The Goose That Laid Golden Eggs
Children's story told in English - En podcast av Simon&Susan

The Goose That Laid Golden Eggs One day a farmer went to the nest of his Goose and found she’d laid an egg that was all yellow and shiny. When he picked it up it was as heavy as lead! He was going to throw it away because he thought someone had played a trick on him, but then he thought about it a little more, and took it home - in case it might have any value. Soon, the farmer found, to his delight, that it was an egg of pure gold! Every morning the same thing occurred, and he soon became rich by selling his golden eggs! As he grew rich he grew greedy and thinking to get all the gold the Goose could give at once, he killed the poor bird and opened it up! Only to find that there was no eggs, no gold, nothing valuable at all - just the inside of a goose. And, the moral is… Greedy people often lose the good thing they have by trying to get more than they need.