Sima Guang Breaks the Vat
Children's story told in English - En podcast av Simon&Susan

Sima Guang Breaks the Vat Sima Guang was nine years old. He liked to play in his backyard with his friends Wang Wei, Li Na, and Zhang Yong. One day, the friends were playing in the yard. Wang Wei said, “I bet I can climb up to the top of the water vat!” (A water vat is a very big clay jar used to keep rain water). “Do not go to the top of the water vat!” said Li Na. “It is too high.” “It is not too high for me!” said Wang Wei. “Stay down here and play,” said Sima Guang. “No, I want to go up!” said Wang Wei, so he climbed up to the top of the vat. When he was at the top he stood on one foot and called, “Look at me – one foot!” “Ooh, clever!” said Zhang Yong. Then – oh, no! Wang Wei fell down into the water vat! “I cannot swim!” he called. “The water is too deep!” “We must run for help!” said Li Na. “No!” said Sima Guang. “That will take too long!” “Then we cannot do anything to help,” yelled Li Na in fear. “Ahhh!” yelled Zhang Yong in fear, too. “AHHH!” they all yelled together. Then, Sima Guang saw a rock. He picked up the rock and threw it at the bottom of the water vat. The vat did not crack. He picked up the rock and threw it again. There was a very small crack this time. He threw it again. Then a bigger crack! All at once, a very big wave of water flew out of the broken water vat. And with the wave of water, out rolled Wang Wei! Wet but happy to be alive, thanks to Sima Guang.