What is Animal Communication? By Tricia Carr, Telepath
Charmed Life with Tricia Carr - En podcast av Tricia Carr
On this episode of Charmed Life, Tricia Carr shares stories, tips and education about animal communication. Demystify the process to this natural language of the heart. ::: Upcoming Events, Classes + Programs ::: Animal Communication, 4-week Online Program REGISTRATION OPEN NOW: www.triciacarrcharm.com/animal-communication/ Mentoring, Intuitive Abilities + Multidimensional Connecting: www.triciacarrcharm.com/mentoring Intuitive / Mediumship Development, Single Class: www.triciacarrcharm.com/intuitive-development Patreon: www.patreon.com/triciacarr Instagram: www.instagram.com/TriciaCarrCharm/ FB Page: www.facebook.com/TriciaCarrCharm FB Group: www.facebook.com/groups/charmedlifelove/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/TriciaCarrCharm/ Charmed Life Twitter: www.twitter.com/charmedlife1111 One-on-one sessions and more… www.triciacarrcharm.com