Should you or should you not use a clicker for training?
Champion Puppy Training Podcast - En podcast av Pat Quinn: Creator of the Champion Puppy Training System

Links Facebook Instagram YouTube Champion Puppy Training Website Summary Do I use clickers for puppy training? Tune in to this podcast as I answer a direct question from a loyal listener and find out if clickers are good for puppy training or are they a deterrent. I'll also talk about rewarding your puppy with the word "YES!" and keeping your hands free so you can focus on training YOUR puppy the Champion Way. Show Notes In this episode we discuss: 1) The answer to Do I use clickers in training? And the reason why? (2:06) 2) Having the best attitude to train your puppy (3:11) 3) Having your hands Train through Play (4:06) 4) Using the word "YES" as a marker (4:39) 5) Why you need this podcast for breakthroughs (6:58) 6) How to use your voice as a clicker (7:45) 7) Puppy's are extreme...I can help (9:00) If you like what you heard, subscribe to our podcast & YouTube page where we bring tons of "entertrainment" and valuable advice. Make sure to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, but most importantly, download our FREE app for resources, specials, and live events and make sure you're a CHAMPION every day.