Catexploring through the Canadian Rockies with Bodhi
Catexplorer Podcast - En podcast av Catexplorer

Bodhi is an advanced catexplorer, who hikes, cycles, skis and relaxes on the water of the Candian Rockies. His mum, Michelle, shares how she trained Bodhi, the challenges they faced and how they overcame them. See the show notes here: To support Catexplorer & join the Catexplorer Purr Squad or become a Catexplorer Producer, see here: To find out how to leave a review see here: What we talk about: • How Michelle started catexploring • About Bugaboo & how Michelle trained him • How Michelle trained Bodhi • Catexploring in open spaces • How Michelle has encouraged Bodhi to follow • How Bodhi travels on the bicycle • How Michelle & Bodhi go skiing together • How Bodhi started swimming • Transitioning back to catexploring after not doing it for too long • Advice for new catexplorers • Funniest comment heard while catexploring • Catexplorers that inspire Michelle • Gamechanger for Bodhi and Bugaboo