Camping, flying in a plane and learning how to be a catexplorer with Mac Fab Cat
Catexplorer Podcast - En podcast av Catexplorer

Mac is a cat who has done so much catexploring already. Her humans, Geraldine & Patrick share how they trained Mac. The challenges they have had with camping and how they camp with Mac now. And how they fly on a plan with her. We also dive into how to start catexploring with your cat. See the shownotes here: To find out how to leave a review see here: To support Catexplorer & join the Catexplorer Purr Squad or become a Catexplorer Producer, see here: What we talk about: • How Mac came into Geraldine & Patrick's lives • All about Mac • Why Patrick decided to be a cat dad after initially resisting • The catexploring Mac does • Why Mac became a catexplorer • How Mac was trained to be a catexplorer • Mac daily catexploring routine • What happens when Mac doesn't follow routine • Flying on a plane with Mac • What it was like to fly with Mac for the first time • What it is like to fly with Mac now • How Patrick & Geraldine prepare Mac for flying now • What they take when they fly with Mac • Finding pet friendly taxis/Ubers • What it was like to camp with Mac the first time • How Geraldine & Patrick now go camping with Mac • Zoomies while camping? • Staying somewhere overnight with Mac • Litter box while camping • Future catexploring goals • Advice for new catexplorers • Most entertaining comment heard while catexploring • Catexplorers that inspire Mac, Geraldine & Patrick • Product, service or program that has been a gamechanger for Mac