When it doesn't go to plan - working through birth trauma & a difficult fourth trimester with Midwife & Mom, Courtney.

Bump to Mum - En podcast av Emma Coxhead


Hello Mumma's! This week I am bringing you a special conversation with Courtney who is a Mom to 13 month old Molly and works as a Midwife. Courtney has been surrounded by babies throughout her life and career and has always wanted to be a Mom. She felt incredibly prepared, excited and comfortable during her pregnancy and lead up to her birth but unfortunately, things did not go to plan.In this episode we talk through:a planned home birth that did not go to plan with Courtney giving birth in the hospitalbirth traumafeeding challenges, nipple shields, reflux, mixed feeding, pumping and weaning at 6 monthssleep (lack of) and the decision to not sleep trainpostpartum depressionrecovery from birthhow her experience has changed the way she approaches her work as a midwife & conversations with her clientsadvice for other parents dealing with birth trauma or postpartum depressionWhile Courtney has been through some challenging times she also shares a lot of the highs she has had with Molly and what she is really enjoying about motherhood. I am so grateful for Courtney for coming on and sharing her experience. Courtney wanted to share her journey in the hope that it would show that being a Midwife did not make her exempt from how challenging the fourth trimester can be and that it helps anyone else going through a similar experience.Due to the nature of the content covered in this episode, if you or someone you know is struggling with metal health or, find this content triggering, you can text or call 1737 anytime to speak with a trained counsellor or you can call Lifeline on 0800 543 354 or text 4357.If you enjoyed this episode please rate and review on apple podcasts and follow along on @bumptomum.podcast for updates on future episodes.Enjoy Mumma's!

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