Tibetan Buddhism on difficult emotions: guided meditation
Buddhist Wisdom, Modern Life - En podcast av Claire Villarreal, PhD
If you've ever tried -- and failed -- to "let go" of anxiety, anger, or sadness, you might know it's not so easy. Buddhism offers a different way to deal with these emotions. First we need to recognize the wisdom within them, and then we can learn to express that energy in a healthy way. In this guided meditation, I’ll guide you through settling the mind and energy, then intentionally bringing up a difficult emotion so you can feel it, understand its wisdom, and then let it go. This meditation is part of a series on understanding the wisdom of emotional energy; if you'd like to read more on this topic (and about the energies used in profound Tibetan practices), please check out Healing With Form, Energy and Light by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. Here's an affiliate link: https://amzn.to/3DAYlrz. (If you click it and buy the book, you don't pay extra, but you support this podcast.) To support my work, you can join my Patreon insiders (https://bit.ly/3Dm14p2) or make a one-time donation (https://bit.ly/CVPayPalMe). May all beings be well. clairevillarreal.com