20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 51)

BibleThinker - En podcast av Mike Winger

Time Stamps:1. 0:17 {Can Megachurches be Effective?} From a biblical and practical standpoint, is there a maximum number of people that can or should make up a local church? Assuming their doctrine is biblical, can a megachurch with multiple satellite sites or campuses be an effective church?2. 13:52 {Was Mary Surprised about Jesus’ Deity?} If Mary was aware of the immaculate conception (visited by an angel, etc.), why in Mark 3: 21 does it seem she’s surprised about Jesus being the Messiah? Scripture says His "family" that goes to "take charge of Him" for being out of His mind are His mother & brothers. Why would Mary think He is out of His mind if she had been visited by an angel?3. 19:40 {About the Apostles’ Martyrdom} A big defense for Christianity is that the Apostles died & were tortured, never recanting Jesus. How are the Heavens Gate & Jonestown 1978 incidents any different? They all willingly died for a lie, too.4. 24:33 {Who are the Called & Chosen in Matt.?} Who are the called & chosen ones in Matthew 22: 14? Is it God who does both the calling & the choosing?5. 30:32 {Does Jesus Mean “Hail Zeus”?} What do you say to people who claim that the name Jesus really means “hail Zeus”? They say one is unknowingly doing witchcraft by using the name Jesus. Why didn’t His name just continue as Yeshua?6. 35:17 {Is John 15 Works-Based?} Is John 15 works-based? v.10 says, “IF you keep my commandments, THEN you will abide in my love.” That sounds like obedience earns God's love, contrary to the Gospel. What does a life of "abiding" look like daily?7. 42:25 {Ways to Grow in Christ} I've recently found a renewed desire to get closer with God and was just wondering if you have any advice about how to do so.8. 44:05 {Did God Ordain Animal Sacrifices?} Does Jeremiah 7: 22 & Matthew 9: 13 indicate God never ordained animal sacrifices? To me it seems God has gradually moved mankind away from sacrifices & idol worship and into His ideal form of religion.9. 54:05 {About Angels} I know that we are made in the image and likeness of God and are called God’s children, but what are angels to God? Are they made in the image and likeness of God? Are they God’s children?10. 57:22 {Is there a Contradiction?} In Matthew 2: 19-22, was Joseph’s second dream (vs. 22) from God? God says all who mean to kill you are dead, but God warns him again. Some translations of vs. 22 leave out “God.” Is this a contradiction?11. 1:00:40 {How Many People are in Heaven?} It's estimated that 60% of natural conceptions fail to implant in the uterus and that at least 50 billion people lived until now. Does that mean there are around 75 billion people in Heaven?12. 1:05:32 {How to Recognize the Spirit vs. Enemy} How do we know when we feel the Holy Spirit that it isn't a trick from Satan making us think that it’s God? And how do you know Jesus’s resurrection wasn’t a false miracle/wonder by Satan?13. 1:09:26 {How to Glorify God as an Artist} I like to draw and write fiction in my spare time, and I want to glorify God as best I can doing this. Is there anything I should do or avoid doing as a Christian artist?14. 1:11:19 {Does Forgiveness Challenge Responsibility?} My grandma rejects Christianity because she claims relying on the forgiveness of a savior teaches us that we don’t have to be responsible for our own actions. How can I help her untangle that belief?15. 1:14:35 {About the “Day of the Lord”} What must come first, per 2 Thessalonians 2:3? Does “apostasia” mean a spiritual falling away/rebellion, or a physical departure, as in the rapture?16. 1:19:03 {What does “Cowardly” Mean in Revelation?} Can you shed some light on what Revelation 21:8 really means by the cowardly or the fearful hav

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