Lucy Hall - Gardeners World Magazine Editor
BBC Gardeners’ World Live -The NEC Birmingham 12 - 15 June 2014

Gardeners’ World Magazine editor, Lucy Hall, came to gardening through a love of food, nurtured by Mum’s great cooking and her grandad’s tomato-scented greenhouse. She learned to garden through trial and error, growing anything edible that could survive life in a 2nd storey balcony windowbox until escaping the city for a tiny cottage garden and allotment. Now making a new organic garden in a rural frost-pocket of Gloucestershire, hardiness and wildlife-appeal are the two prized assets of every plant that makes it through the gate. When torn away from the garden, Lucy has worked on two of the UK’s biggest gardening magazines: first as deputy editor of Gardens Illustrated, then deputy and now editor of Gardeners’ World Magazine. She has also edited a classical music magazine and written about travel, food and culture for newspapers and magazines.