Chris Collins – Garden Expert
BBC Gardeners’ World Live -The NEC Birmingham 12 - 15 June 2014

Chris Collins will be doing seed sowing and potting demonstrations for children at Gardeners' Green over the weekend of the 2013 show. Chris Collins began life as a gardener with a traditional style apprentice on Brighton Parks back in the mid-eighties. Going on to do his degree at the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh. Time working abroad both in Cameroon, at the Limbe Botanic Garden and a five year stint in Japan, were followed by a period at Kew Botanic Garden and then three years as head gardener at Westminster Abbey. Chris’s television career began with the BBC 2 series The Plantsman, which was followed on by regular appearances on This Morning, BBC breakfast and UK style television. Series included Garden Rivals and Digging for Victory. However the main bulk of his work in the last eight years has been as the Blue Peter gardener which has led him to work closely with schools and children. He has been active in the Royal Horticultural Society’s Campaign for school gardening and the Horticultural Trades Association, Plant for life campaign, as well as working with charities such as School Food Matters and Trees for Cities. Chris was awarded the Prince Phillip City and guild medal for contribution to Horticulture in 2008. More recently Chris presented the science documentary on BBC4 ‘The Wonder of Weeds’ and became director of Horticulture with