Engaging the Gen Z Mind
BaseCamp Live - En podcast av Davies Owens

On this episode of BCL, It’s time to check in again with Brooke Hempell, senior VP at the Barna Group. As a research firm, Barna is tracking the latest trends and changes with Gen Z, the generational name for young people between 6-22 years old - essentially anyone from Kindergarten to college. While in some ways the world is growing smaller as people share mindsets from universal media and technology - generational differences are quite real, and we need to pay attention to them. Questions of identity, belonging, and purpose are big questions all people have wrestled with through time. Of course, the answer to these questions are answered ultimately in Christ, so we need to engage people where they are on this journey. How do we as parents, educators and influencers best support, guide and encourage this generation? Stay tuned….