Pasta Water Cooking Method for Making Rice Lower in Arsenic
Baby-Led Weaning with Katie Ferraro - En podcast av Katie Ferraro

#259: If your family eats rice, you can modify the cooking method to help lower arsenic. In this episode we look at the pasta water cooking method for making rice lower in arsenic. By cooking your rice in a lot of water you can reduce arsenic without compromising too much other nutrition, particularly if you’re doing brown rice. Other podcast episodes covering the topic of heavy metals in baby foods you might want to check out include: Episode 246 - Arsenic in Baby Food with Charlotte Brody, RN and Jane Houlihan Episode 160 - Why White Rice Cereal Should Not Be Your Baby's First Food with Alan Greene, MD Episode 208 - Heavy Metals in Baby Food with @consumerreports James E. Rogers, PhD Episode 232 - Tuna Talk: Is it Safe for Babies to Eat Canned Tuna with @consumerreports Michael K. Hansen, PhD Healthy Babies Bright Futures’ report “Is Homemade Baby Food Better?” is located here. Download their two-page parent tip sheet with advice on arsenic foods not to feed babies here. Need more starchy food ideas to offer your baby beyond rice? Get your copy of the 100 FIRST FOODS list on Katie’s free BABY-LED WEANING FOR BEGINNERS workshop: Follow @babyledweanteam on IG: Shownotes with all the links mentioned in this episode are here: Thank you for being a part of this amazing baby-led weaning community. If you like this BLW podcast, please would you kindly leave me a review on Apple Podcasts? This really helps the podcast get found by other parents, caregivers and healthcare professionals and I get my best future episode ideas from your reviews. Click here to leave a review on Apple Podcasts and Happy Feeding! -Katie Learn more about your ad choices. Visit