Bitter Vegetables: How to Safely Feed Bitter Vegetables for Baby-Led Weaning
Baby-Led Weaning with Katie Ferraro - En podcast av Katie Ferraro

#155: Can babies eat bitter vegetables? Or is it dangerous to offer bitter foods to your baby? Babies benefit from a variety of taste and flavor exposures, including bitter vegetables. And a baby may need to see a food 10-15 times before he or she likes or accepts don’t turn your back on bitter vegetables just because your baby has rejected these foods a few times! In this episode we’re exploring bitter vegetables: why should we feed these foods to babies? How do you make bitter vegetables safe for babies to self-feed? What about nitrates in bitter vegetables, are they bad? Come listen to learn the what, when, why and how much about bitter vegetables for baby-led weaning. If you’re ready to raise an independent eater and prevent picky eating then let’s get started learning about baby-led weaning together! Subscribe, rate and review the podcast here. FREE BABY-LED WEANING FOR BEGINNERS ONLINE WORKSHOP WITH THE 100 FIRST FOODS LIST (including bitter vegetables!): SPICE HOUSE AFFILIATE DISCOUNT CODE FOR SALT FREE BLW SPICES & SEASONINGS : KATIE10 at FOLLOW @BABYLEDWEANTEAM ON INSTAGRAM: SHOWNOTES FOR THIS EPISODE: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit