Baby-Led Potty Training: Elimination Communication with @godiaperfree Andrea Olson
Baby-Led Weaning with Katie Ferraro - En podcast av Katie Ferraro

#432: Can you potty-train your baby? Is a life without diapers doable? Elimination Communication (EC) is a gentle, non-coercive way to respond to your baby’s natural hygiene needs…and nobody knows EC ike Andrea Olson from @godiaperfree. In this episode Andrea’s teaching us how babies can learn to self-potty from birth and if you’re currently using diapers, how you can stop a lot sooner than you might think. Check out Andrea’s website at Follow Andrea on Instagram @godiaperfree Listen to this episode to learn: Why you should consider switching to self-pottying…even if you’re currently using diapers How to identify your baby’s cues when they’re bearing down and ready to go! What the 4 easy catches are…so you’ll gain confidence in your baby’s ability to self-potty Shownotes for this episode can be found here: Links from this episode My high chair recommendations: Stokke Tripp Trapp high chair on Amazon (affiliate link): Nomi high chair on Amazon (affiliate link): Other Episodes Related to this Topic Episode 172 - High Chair Positioning: Reduce Choking Risk Using This One Simple Move with Jeff Durkee of Nomi High Chair Episode 205 - High Chair Help: What if My Baby Won't Sit in the High Chair? Episode 379 - Favorite Portable High Chairs for Feeding on the Go 🌱 🌱🌱🌱 🌱 Not sure about which foods to offer your baby next? Get your copy of my original 100 FIRST FOODS list on my free online video workshop called BABY-LED WEANING FOR BEGINNERS. 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 Want guided help on how to make all of the 100 FIRST FOODS™ safely for your baby? My program BABY-LED WEANING WITH KATIE FERRARO has a 100 FIRST FOODS daily meal plan and everything else you need to start solid foods safely with baby-led weaning. CLICK HERE TO JOIN. 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 Be sure to follow @babyledweanteam on Instagram and our Baby-Led Weaning YouTube channel for more information about helping your baby transition to solid foods safely. 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 If you learned something from this episode and like this podcast, your review means the WORLD to us and helps other parents find this important evidence-based infant feeding info. Click here to leave a review on Apple podcasts and thanks for being a part of this amazing and supportive BLW community! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit