Hippopotamus and The Tortoise - Nigerian Folk Tale
Baalgatha- Classic Stories for Children - En podcast av gaatha story

Today we bring to you a story from Nigeria. In this folk tale, we learn how a clever tortoise outwits the Hippopotamus. Listen to this tale on Baalgatha Podcast. You can subscribe to our show on [Apple Podcasts](https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/baalgatha-childrens-stories-from-panchatantra-jataka/id1116571844?mt=2&ls=1&ign-mpt=uo%3D4), Saavn, [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/show/3HkLCKkTZW5XrIvRTJGVER?si=eZRlFHCsT-69XmT0dPgnZA), [Stitcher](https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/amar-vyas/baalgatha), [TuneIn](https://tunein.com/podcasts/Kids--Family-Podcasts/Baalgatha-Podcast-p892567/) and on [Google Podcasts](https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9hdWRpb2Jvb20uY29tL2NoYW5uZWxzLzQ3MDgyODkucnNz). Did you know you can subscribe to Baalgatha Podcast via WhatsApp? [Click here from your mobile phone](http://bit.ly/Subscribe-Baalgatha-Podcast).. or to learn more, visit [gaathastory.com](https://gaathastory.com). Form there, you can learn more about Baalgatha and our other shows. You also leave us a review on your favourite podcasting app or site, we will greatly appreciate it!