51 | Rachael Casella Emergency Caesarean After Long Labour Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Australian Birth Stories - En podcast av Sophie Walker

In this week’s episode, I interview Rachael Casella. Rachael refers to herself as a Type A personality, so when thinking about trying to conceive, she spent six months preparing. She saw a Chinese herbalist and acupuncturist and also had her husband Johnny tested for fertility. Rachael started trying on her honeymoon and when she didn't fall pregnant in the first 2 months of trying she went and saw Genea in Sydney. She discovered that she ovulates on day 8 instead of day 14 of her cycle. With this info in hand, she fell pregnant the next month of trying. Despite having private health insurance, Rachael and her husband decided to use the midwifery lead care program through the Royal Hospital for Women in Sydney. At 39 weeks Rachel had a stretch and sweep however her cervix hadn't dilated as yet. She began to experience reduced foetal movement at this time so her midwifery team decided it would be best to induce her at 40 weeks. After a difficult labour and 2 hours of pushing Mackenzie were delivered by caesarean section. At 10 weeks of age, Rachael took Mackenzie to see a lactation consultant because she found Mackenzie was pulling off crying during feeds. The lactation consultant initially thought that Mackenzie she was a bit floppier than he should be for her age. Panicked Rachael rushed her to a doctor who said that she would need to go and see a pediatrician. They got to see a pediatrician in 2 days later. When seeing the pediatrician They were in the office with the pediatrician for about 4 minutes before he turned to them and said: “I think your baby has got Spinal Muscular Atrophy”. They had never heard of SMA before so they asked what the cure was and he said it was terminal. To hear the rest of Mackenzie’s journey please tune into this week's show. To find out more about Rachael’s blog: This weeks episode is proudly sponsored by . Bouncing Back From Birth is dedicated to helping mums thrive after birth. From Vaginal Birth to Belly Birth and Breastfeeding support Bouncing Back From Birth offers everything you need for healing, strength, and confidence in the one place. are offering 15% with the code BIRTHSTORIES offer available until April 30. ($2 from every sale made using this code will be donated towards SMA research). Topic: miscarriage, fertility tracking, private health insurance, Royal Hospital for Women, Midwifery care program, Genea, continuity of care, birth plan, delayed cord clamping, reduced foetal movement, TENS, posterior position, Mackenzie’s Mission. To find out more about Rachael’s blog: Additional Reading: The Conversation: . The Conversation: To see the ABC 730 report covering Mackenzie’s Mission: and If you'd like my FREE guide on perineal massage click If you'd like my FREE 5-minute breathing exercise click Follow us on Instagram to keep the conversation going. To learn more about The Birth Class my online childbirth education course head to the shop See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.