446 | Jess, long first labour followed by a speedy second birth in the ambulance on the way to hospital
Australian Birth Stories - En podcast av Sophie Walker

When Jess found out she was pregnant she assumed she would have a caesarean as her mum had had caesareans with all three of her children. It wasn't until Jess started listening to the Australian Birth Stories podcast that she started to explore the idea of having a vaginal birth. When she experienced pre-labour rupture of membranes (PROM) and was later given oxytocin to help bring her labour on she drew on her birthing class knowledge and had a birth she found empowering. When Jess was preparing for her second birth she thought she would have a long labour like her first and was shocked to find herself birthing in the back of an ambulance on the way to the hospital. Follow us on Instagram at @australianbirthstories for helpful articles, behind the scenes, and future episodes. --------- Today’s episode is brought to you by Kiwi.co. I must confess I’m not much of a crafty mum but Kiwi Co’s panda crate has been the best educational investment for Ottie. Every month we receive a subscription box filled with playful, open-ended activities backed by research and designed especially for naturally curious and creative babies and toddlers. It makes the perfect Christmas gift that keeps giving well beyond the festive season. I’m a big fan of quality activities that create the opportunity for play-based learning and Kiwi Co delivers hands-on projects that get the whole family involved. Whether you have a brand-new baby or a trailblazing toddler, the Panda Crate is perfect for your little one’s developing brain.Unwrap more than a gift. Discover hands-on fun with KiwiCo. Get your first month FREE on ANY crate line at kiwico.com/birthstoriesSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.