Mother of Reinvention | Jordan Reid, Ramshackle Glam
Atomic Moms - En podcast av Ellie Knaus

Jordan Reid hustles like a mother-lover: raising two young children, writing books, and running the uber popular, where she shares funny parenting moments, DIY videos, and refreshingly honest details about her family life. But before all that cool stuff started, Jordan endured what Ellie would describe as a Joseph Campbell-esque “dark night of the soul” or what Jordan calls a “truly spectacular career implosion!” (HINT: you’ll never ever look at one particular insanely popular tv show the same way ever again). From that experience, she discovered the magic of reinvention and promises us, “If you put in the work, and you do the things you say you’re gonna do, your past experiences all make sense.” Of course, transitions are a b*tch, and her life as an accomplished author and popular website founder isn’t always an Instagram-worthy bed of roses. (Isn’t it a GD relief to hear that?!) Jordan gives us a heart-to-heart about the negative online commenters she’s had to handle in the past and tips for how to rise above the haters (real or imagined). We also laugh about her brand new book “The Big Fat Activity Book for Pregnant People”, co-authored by her gal pal Erin Williams, and published by Penguin Random House. If you overhear me giggling in my OBGYN waiting room, it’s cause I’m doing the book’s “Bad Baby Names” word search. xx Ellie Knaus Subscribe and write a review on so new moms can find us! Reach out on Twitter (@atomicmoms), Instagram (@atomicmoms), and Facebook "Atomic Moms" MEET OUR GUEST: JORDAN REID is the founding editor of the lifestyle blog Ramshackle Glam and the author of two parenting and style memoirs. Her hobbies include unfortunately timed blushing, coming up with reasons to not shave her legs, and darts. She lives in California with her husband and two children, mostly so that she can wear flip-flops in the winter. The Big Fat Activity Book for Pregnant People (April 25, 2017): "This book, part guide, part journal, part activity book, chronicles the trimesters of pregnancy (and the fourth trimester, aka having a newborn) and encourages readers to both entertain themselves while reflecting on this incredibly meaningful experience in a woman’s life." - Penguin Random House See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at