Wellness, Rebirth, Reconnecting And More - With Our Panel Of Healers
Angels and Awakening - En podcast av Julie Jancius: Spiritual Guide, Intuitive Reiki Healer, Psychic Medium, Teacher (God, Intuition, Manifest, Soul, Higher + Highest Self, Spirit Guides, Grief, Consciousness, Life After Death)
Hello beautiful souls! Once again, we’ve brought together our panel of Healers to share the messages Spirit and the Angels have been sending to them in the wake of the new year. Here's how you're going to have your best year yet! Listen on for a message that speaks to you. 31 Day Angel Success Formula Want access to this entire course for free? Including all 31 angel healings, teaching video and workbook. All you have to do is sign up for my newsletter at https://theangelmedium.com/ and we'll email you access to the whole course! JOIN JULIE ON ZOOM Learn More About the Angel Membership Join Julie for a zoom call on the following dates to learn more about the Angel Membership. Note: Some are in the morning and some are in the evening -- all are in central time. January 12 at 6:30PM CT Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83526512429?pwd=eGtNZDJjd3dvK3Z4SE83YnVEOWhSQT09 Meeting ID: 835 2651 2429 Passcode: 876159 January 18 at 8:00 AM CT Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87922862588?pwd=elp2bU5MZVVlQVh4ZHRTQVFDajVYdz09 Meeting ID: 879 2286 2588 Passcode: 886335 January 20 at 6:30 PM CT Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84755640503?pwd=cGpmbHpNR216dWh3eUsyUW9ZeSthUT09 Meeting ID: 847 5564 0503 Passcode: 386536 ANGEL MEMBERSHIP Go through all of 2022 with the best spiritual community in our Angel Membership. As a member, you'll get access to my live monthly workshops, live monthly group angel healing, course of the month and small group meetings with Julie. Click here to learn more: https://theangelmedium.com/monthly-membership ANGEL REIKI SCHOOL A new class of the Angel Reiki School begins on the first of each month. The school teaches you how to develop your spiritual gifts and start your own spiritual business. You can learn more here: https://theangelmedium.com/get-certified BOOK A SESSION WITH ONE OF JULIE'S HEALERS Julie has trained and mentored a team of healers. You can book a session with them here: https://theangelmedium.com/readings LIST OF UPCOMING EVENTS Buy a Ticket or Join the Angel Membership (where it's all included). For details visit: https://theangelmedium.com/events or call the office at (630) 677-4271. January course of the month: Manifestation and Co-Creation Jan. 3 from 6:15-7 PM CT: Healing Angel Circle with Julie: Deep Transformation with Archangel's Zadkiel and Metatron Jan. 21st at 12 noon CT: Special Event for Angel Members: Take Back Your Beautiful Self Small Group to Incorporate Physical and Spiritual Wellbeing with Karen Musengwa. Jan. 29 from 10:30-12 noon CT: Workshop with Julie: How I Manifested My Dreams, A Masterclass on Manifestation and Vision Boards Angel Members: Small group dates are all in the monthly calendar! February course of the month: Oneness Feb. 1: A New Class of the Angel Reiki School Begins Feb. 1 from 6:15-7 PM CT: Healing Angel Circle with Julie: Connect with Your Cherub Angels To Feel The Highest Form of Oneness Feb. 11 at 12 noon CT: Special Event for Angel Members: Take Back Your Beautiful Self Small Group to Incorporate Physical and Spiritual Wellbeing with Karen Musengwa. Feb. 26 from 10:30-12 noon CT: Workshop with Julie: Automatic Writing -- How To Become An Expert Angel Members: Small group dates are all in the monthly calendar! March course of the month: Angel Communication Part 1 March 1: A New Class of the Angel Reiki School Begins