A Big Announcement and Breathwork Exercise
Angels and Awakening - En podcast av Julie Jancius: Spiritual Guide, Intuitive Reiki Healer, Psychic Medium, Teacher (God, Intuition, Manifest, Soul, Higher + Highest Self, Spirit Guides, Grief, Consciousness, Life After Death)
Breathwork Exercise: {10:30} Hi friends! I have an extra special episode today. I'm starting out by telling you one of my Angel stories. This story is the perfect example of the intricate details and confirmations that our Angels bring through when I work with my clients. Sometimes I get messages and validations from what I see in my daily prayers and meditations. Something that I have been seeing, and that my Angels have been impressing upon my heart, is to teach others how to experience being in a high vibration and how to stay in high vibration. The beautiful thing about holding a high vibration is that it extends to everyone and everything everywhere. Are you ready for my big announcement?! Tune into the episode to hear and head to my website, theangelmedium.com for more information! The second half of this episode will be a beautiful and peaceful breathwork exercise led by Samantha Skelly. Samantha was our guest on our last episode! She's back today to guide you through a breathing exercise focused on embracing uncertainty and changing our relationship with it. Samantha's Resources: Instagram: @samanthaskelly pausebreathwork.com hungryforhappines.com/book To connect with me, head to @angelpodcast on Instagram or search Angels and Awakening Podcast TRIBE on Facebook! ANGEL REIKI ONLINE SCHOOL - $1,249 Let's Create an Army of Healers Learn Angel Reiki so that you can help those around you and the world heal in a time when you're most needed. You'll get to learn both online in a 3-week e-course, and also attend an in-person Angel Reiki School in the fall or 2021 if you'd like (but not necessary)! You'll also be part of a private, small Facebook group of peers learning with you. There will be a live video call every Thursday morning from 8-9:30 AM CT and daily assignments Monday - Friday. You will learn the art of energy healing and how to develop your unique spiritual gifts. Practice what you learn on your friends and family who need energy healing and positive messages at this time. Email [email protected] or call 630-677-4271 to register. Manifestation eCourse: $249 This eCourse is for both those who know where they want to go and those who have no clue! By the end, you'll better know your purpose and intention, and you'll have a strong, clear, detailed vision of your path. ANGEL COMMUNICATION e-COURSE - $249 Also, there's always the Angel Communication e-Course that you can take online at your own pace too! Email [email protected] or call 630-677-4271 to register.