035: A Dumetz|Feeling Overwhelmed as a Parent
Amazing Relationships Podcast| Inspiring Love and Possibility | Inspiring Stories, Relationship Coaching, Expert Interviews - En podcast av Peter and Jennifer Diepstraten: FamilyCo’s co-founders, and parents of a blended family | Relationship Experts | Family and Relationship Coaching

Can’t get it all done each day? Living your dreams through your children? In this episode of the Amazing Relationships Podcast, Jennifer Diepstraten interviews Game-Changing Parent Anne-Sophie Dumetz who knows first-hand what it’s like to burn out and lose her identity in a life of work, kids, and overwhelm. On her 34th birthday, Anne-Sophie ended up in the hospital for a month – her big wake up call to start living her dreams now. Anne-Sophie comments, “If we say to ourselves, ‘That’s ok, I don’t have to pursue this life-long ambition of mine’ in the same breath that we say to our kids, ‘You can be anything you want,’ then what are we really showing our children?” To find out how you can put a stop to overwhelm and start living the life you were meant to, go listen now! To grab Anne-Sophie’s free tips: The Top 3 Tips Busy Moms and Dads Use to Conquer Overwhelm and Feel Happy Today, visit us at www.familyco.com/035