017| Laura Doyle|From Ignored to Adored in Your Marriage
Amazing Relationships Podcast| Inspiring Love and Possibility | Inspiring Stories, Relationship Coaching, Expert Interviews - En podcast av Peter and Jennifer Diepstraten: FamilyCo’s co-founders, and parents of a blended family | Relationship Experts | Family and Relationship Coaching

Jennifer and Peter Diepstraten interview Laura Doyle, author of New York Times’ Bestseller, The Surrendered Wife, The Surrendered Single and Things Will Get as Good as You Can Stand. Her books have been translated into 16 languages and published in 27 countries. In this episode, Laura shares how she went from nearly divorcing her husband to being cherished and adored, and is now happily married for 25 years. She teaches the Six Intimacy Skills, the first of which is how to have good self-care. While many people have thought The Surrendered Wife was anti-feminist, it was not, it was really verified relationship advice for women. “A surrendered wife just knows that she can’t change anyone else besides herself, so she doesn’t try. Instead she focuses on her own happiness. And that, in turn, improves the intimacy in marriage,” shares Laura. To learn more about what self-care is and what it isn’t, and how it can improve your marriage, enjoy the show! To grab your free training videos from Laura, this episode’s show notes, and our free training on how to get a fresh perspective on your relationship, visit us at www.familyco.com/lauradoyle