A Fire Inside Out - Dissecting Sing The Sorrow
A Fire Inside Out - En podcast av Hanson & Cork
<article> <img src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/prod-media.gameinformer.com/styles/body_default/s3/2018/06/02/4cc00cc3/AfireInsideOut610.jpg" typeof="foaf:Image" /> </article>Jeff Cork and I are continuing our journey to discuss each and every album from the band AFI. We're up to the year 2003 and with it the monumental release of Sing the Sorrow. Seen as a turning point in both the band's sound and popularity, this album is both beloved and divisive. What will Jeff Cork think listening to the album for the first time? Check out the episode to find out! Oh, and also thanks for the kind comments and feedback on the show! You can listen to the show below or you can subscribe and review the show on iTunes. <img src="https://feedpress.me/20291/10867990.gif" height="1" width="1"/>