Kiddushin 80 - November 1, 17 Cheshvan
Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podcast av Michelle Cohen Farber
This month's learning is sponsored by Esther Kremer in loving memory of her father, Manny Gross z'l, on his 1st yahrzeit. Today's daf is sponsored by Diana Bloom in loving memory of her Zeyde, Israel Marmurek. "The memory of his commitment to the State of Israel, and the Jewish community of Buenos Aires continues to serve as an inspiration." Today's daf is sponsored in memory of the soldiers killed in yesterday's battle, among them, Sgt. Roei Wolf, Sgt, Lavi Lifschitz, and a close friend of my son's, Lieutenant Ariel Reich. If a husband goes abroad with a wife or without a wife and returns with or without a wife and with kids - depending on the situation, he may have to prove that the wife's lineage is good and/or that the children belong to the wife. If the children are young and treat her as their mother, we can rely on this. However, Reish Lakish and Rabbi Yochanan disagree about whether we can rely on this only for kodshei hagvul, but not for lineage or we can rely on this for both. They bring proof that Rabbi Yochanan is consistent in his position from other teachings regarding the strength of presumptive status. The next Mishna deals with laws of seclusion, yichud - how many men are permitted to be secluded with how many women? Can relatives who are forbidden from each other be secluded together? Abba Shaul permits going out to the cemetery (a secluded place outside the city) for an infant burial with one man and two women. Does our Mishna not follow his opinion as one man and two women are not permitted to be secluded, or is a case of burial different?