Kiddushin 66 - October 18, 3 Cheshvan
Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podcast av Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by the Hadran Zoom family in honor of our fellow learner, Tina Lamm, on the marriage of her daughter, Devorah to Daniel. "We are so happy to be able to celebrate virtually you. In the zechut of this wonderful marriage, Hashem should bring chesed to us just as "כחסד הניתן על פני חתן". Today's daf is sponsored by Hadar Hecht in loving memory of Michal Rut bat Itamar Itzhak & Ada Etel and Tova bat Arye Itzhak & Sara. Abaye holds that if one witness testifies and the person himself is silent, we accept the testimony of the witness to obligate one to bring a sacrifice, to declare items impure and to disqualify an animal from being used for a sacrifice. If one witness testifies that a married woman slept with a man and the husband is silent, Abaye and Rava disagree about whether the testimony is sufficient to forbid her from her husband. Both Abaye and Rava bring proofs from tannaitic sources and each contests the other's proofs. King Yannai killed all the sages other than Shimon ben Shatach as they raised a suspicion relating to his mother - whether or not she had been forbidden to marry a kohen, his father, and whether or not Yannai was fit to be a practicing kohen. This story is brought as the second proof of Abaye for his opinion. Does the status of the child follow the mother or the father - on what does it depend?