Kiddushin 63 - 1st Day of Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan - October 15, 30 Tishrei
Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podcast av Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by Doda Rochie, Unky Marc and the whole crew in honor of Ariel and her chatan, chayal Nitai on their wedding day and to Ariel's parents Eric and Geelit, and their entire family. "We are filled with joy that the long-awaited day is finally here. Although we are heartbroken that this war has prevented us from standing physically by your side today, we are standing with you, wishing you a wedding day filled with simcha and the bracha that you build a bayit neeman b'Yisrael, a land where there is only peace and contentment. It is our greatest hope that by your wedding day there will be peace and we will somehow be able to join you. Either way, please know that you are deeply loved and we are always here for you." Today's daf is sponsored by the Hadran Women of Long Island in honor of the birth of a granddaughter in Jerusalem to their friend and co-learner (& hostess extraordinaire), Malkie Klein Spitz. "As Leora and Sammy welcome the new addition, we daven that the Jewish nation celebrate many smachot in peace. More opinions are brought showing there are others who hold that one can acquire davar shelo ba l'olam - something not is existence at the time. The Mishna brings a case of a man who betroths a woman conditioned upon doing something of monetary value for her. There is a discussion in the Gemara about whether the Mishna is a standard case of conditional betrothal and it is a case where he also gave her an object of monetary value or is the betrothal effected through the value of the work he promised to do. The Mishna discusses what happens if the man conditions the betrothal on his father's consent. What if the father or the son dies before the father verbally consented? The Mishna brings cases where the father or the daughter say they are betrothed but don't remember to whom. What is the difference between the two cases?