Kiddushin 34 - 1st Day of Rosh Hashana - September 16, 1 Tishrei
Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podcast av Michelle Cohen Farber

This week's learning is sponsored by Rachel Geballe and Ellen Werlin in loving memory of their father, Yaakov Eli ben Avraham v'Miriam. "An adventurous learner, dedicated to the Jewish community and to tzedakah, Jim showed by example that deep and wide intellectual exploration is the foundation of a strong character and a life devoted to chesed. We miss you every day." Today's daf is sponsored by the Hadran Women of Long Island in honor of Rabbanit Michelle Cohen Farber. "As the learning of Daf Yomi enters its second century, with deepest hakarat hatov to our dear teacher and friend. No matter how complicated the sugya, you get us through it! Your encyclopedic knowledge, your passion for equity and access, and your love of learning and teaching have combined to make you a role model for us all. May you and your family be blessed with a k'tiva v'chatima tova and may you continue to derive nachat from all of us!" Women are exempt from time-bound positive commandments and obligated in non time-bound commandments. A braita brings examples of each. There are, however, a lot of exceptions to the rule. The derivations of these laws and their exceptions are discussed.