Kiddushin 22 - September 4, 18 Elul
Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podcast av Michelle Cohen Farber
Study Guide Kiddushin 22 Today’s daf is sponsored by Judi Felber in loving memory of her father, Armin Abramson, Hershel Tzvi Shlomo Chaim ben Dina Sara and Pesach, on his 6th yahrzeit. “He was always amazed by the topics the rabbis discussed and the details they considered.” Today's daf is sponsored by Erica and Barry Kolatch in celebration of the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Alon Hillel Kolatch, son of Eliezer and Shoshana Covel Kolatch. "Mazal Tov also to Alon's other grandparents, Leah Covel, and James Covel." Today's learning is sponsored by the Hadran Zoom family for a refuah shleima of Avi, Avraham Shraga Feivush ben Hilda, "the husband of our dear friend and co-learner, Goldie Gilad. With tefillot and wishes for a full and speedy recovery for Avi, b'toch she'ar cholei Yisrael." Can a master give a Jewish slave who is a kohen a Caananite slave for bearing children? Is it permissible for a kohen to go through the process with an eshet yefat toar as prescribed by the Torah? In what way is it permissible to pierce the slave's ear and allow him to remain enslaved until the Jubilee year? The Gemara brings braitot with drashot on the verses of a slave whose ear gets pierced and limits the possibilities in which this can happen. Anyone who buys a Jewish slave is buying a master himself because he needs to be treated as one would treat oneself. The master also needs to provide food for his wife and children. Rabban Yochanan ben Zakhai explains that specifically the ear is pierced as a sign that the slave who wanted to remain a slave heard the words of the Torah at Mount Sinai that the sons of Yisrael are slaves to God and not slaves to slaves and transgressed this and sold himself into slavery. Rabbi Shimon b'Rebbi explains that the reason the ear is pierced near the door is to remember that God passed over the doorposts in Egypt showing that we would leave slavery behind and become slaves to God only and this slave is going against that. According to the Mishna, a Canaanite slave was bought with money, a document and chazaka. However, there are other ways as well and the Gemara explains what they are.