Bava Metzia 23 - March 22, 12 Adar 2

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podcast av Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Bava Metzia 23 Today's daf is sponsored in memory of Rav Moshe ben David, Rav Moshe Feinstein zt"l. Today's daf is sponsored by Terri Krivosha for a refua shleima for her husband Hayim Herring, HaRav Hayim Yehuda ben Tzippora.   Raba and Rava disagree about simanim - can the location be a siman, and is something a siman if it can be stepped on and ruined? How do they each explain the braita in which the law distinguishes between lost bundles and sheaves? Is the disagreement between them regarding simanim that can be ruined by stepping on them also the same disagreement between Rabbi Meir and Rabbi Yehuda in our Mishna in the case of a shard found in a fig cake or a coin in a loaf of bread? At first they suggest that it is, then they reject that explanation and explain the debate between Rabbi Yehuda and Rabbi Meir in a different way - according to Rava and Raba. There is another version of the discussion in which it is not suggested at first that the dispute between them is related to the debate between Rava and Raba, but that it depends on whether or not we assume that people will step on food. That is rejected as well. The Gemara goes over other cases listed in the Mishna and explains why there is no need to return strings of fish and pieces of meat. There is a contradiction between a braita and a Mishna regarding barrels of wine and oil - should they be returned or not? How is the contradiction resolved? What is Rabbi Shimon ben Elazar's opinion at the end of the Mishna that anaphoria vessels do not need to be returned? What is anaphoria?

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