Bava Metzia 22 - March 21, 11 Adar 2
Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podcast av Michelle Cohen Farber
Study Guide Bava Metzia 22 Today's daf is sponsored by Nancy Kolodny in honor of the birthday of her daughter-in-law Lisa Kolodny. "Wife, mother, daughter, learner, teacher, athlete, friend extraordinaire." Today's daf is being sponsored by Betsy Mehlman in loving memory of her father, Harold Mondshein, Zvi Menahem Mendel ben Shlomo, on his 40th yahrzeit. "He would have been proud to see how his grandchildren and Israeli great-grandchildren are thriving in Israel." There are five more attempts to support either Rava or Abaye's position in their debate regarding ye'ush shelo mida'at, when one picks up a lost item without any identifiable features, if the owner has not yet despaired of the item (because the owner doesn't even know yet that it was lost), can we assume that since the owner will despair when he/she realizes it is lost, the finder can acquire the item now. After rejecting all of the attempted proofs, only the last one is brought as clear support for Abaye's position. This is one of six cases where the ruling is like Abaye over Rava. An abbreviation for the six cases is Ya'AL Ka'GaM. Raba and Rava disagree about whether a siman that can get trampled is a siman and whether location can be considered a siman. Then our Mishna and a braita are brought and the Gemara explains how the source can be understood according to Raba and Rava's opinions.