Bava Kamma 9 - Shabbat November 11, 27 Cheshvan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podcast av Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Bava Kamma 9 If one is purchasing land from another and others lay claim that the land was originally theirs, at what point and under what circumstances can the buyer renege on the deal? Rav Huna resolves a previous contradiction (on Bava Kamma 7) by saying that one who needs to pay damages can pay either with money or property. A challenge is raised against this statement but is resolved. Rav Asi says the same thing but the Gemara first challenges that assumption and tries to explain Rav Asi's statement in a different manner. Another teaching of Rav Huna is brought regarding how far should one go to beautify a mitzva (hidur mitzva). The Mishna rules that if one was responsible for watching the item. one is responsible for the damages. A braita explains this case to be one in which one passed an object to a minor or a person who isn't responsible. The braita distinguishes which compares fire to the ox and pit cases and distinguishes between them according to law. In what case would there be a distinction and why? 

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