Bava Kamma 86 - Shabbat January 27, 17 Shvat
Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podcast av Michelle Cohen Farber
Raba asks if there is a requirement to pay for damages for causing a temporary injury (the injury will eventually heal completely). Rava and Abaye each have different positions on this question. They disagree as well in a case of permanent damage to a Jewish slave - to whom does the payment go - to the slave or the owner? According to which tanaitic opinion in our braita does the Mishna follow when it rules that regarding payment for humiliation, it depends on both the one who did the action of humiliating and the one who was humiliated? A different braita regarding humiliation payment is quoted, and the Gemara suggests two ways to understand it - according to Rabbi Meir or Rabbi Yehuda. The Mishna deals with cases where one embarrassed a person who was naked, blind or sleeping and rules that in all these cases, the one who embarrassed needs to pay. What is meant by embarrassing a naked person? Rabbi Abba bar Mamal asks a question regarding one who was embarrassed while sleeping and died before waking up, does one need to pay humiliation payment to the heirs? Rav Zevid and Rav Papa each explain the question differently. Rabbi Yehuda disagrees with the ruling of the Mishna regarding a blind person and exempts the one who embarrasses the blind person from payment. He also rules that a blind person is not obligated to go to a refuge city, and does not get lashes or death as a punishment. From where does he derive these laws?