Bava Kamma 81 - January 22, 12 Shvat

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podcast av Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by the Hadran family for the refuah shleima of our wonderful Hadran chevruta Rhona Fink, Chana bat Malka, and her family. "Ill with a heavy case of influenza which has disrupted the tail end of a lovely shared vacation. Wishing Rhona, Ray and the entire family much strength and full recovery - soon, b'ezrat Hashem.  Yehoshua instituted ten takanot upon entering the land of Israel, most of them allowing for a fair share of resources, such as water, grass, fish, paths, etc. The Gemara goes through each one and either explains it, limits it, or raises and resolves a contradiction regarding it. There are several other takanot that Yehoshua instituted - what are they, and why are they not included in this list?

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