Bava Kamma 7 - November 9, 25 Cheshvan
Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podcast av Michelle Cohen Farber
Study Guide Bava Kamma 7 Today's daf is sponsored by Amy Rubin in loving memory of Edith and Herb Rubin. What did Rabbi Akiva mean by "kal vahomer l'hekdesh." How can we be sure that Rabbi Akiva disagrees with Rabbi Yishmael on the issue of whether the best land is evaluated by the land of the one who caused the damage or by the one who was damaged? Abaye raises a contradiction - on the one hand it's clear one needs to pay from the best of his land. On the other hand a braita says that one can even pay from bran. Four possible answers are brought - the first three are rejected. According to Rabbi Akiva, we evaluate by the best land of the one who damaged. Is this objective (based on the best land in the world in general) or subjective (based on the best land of the one who damaged)?