Bava Kamma 67 - January 8, 27 Tevet

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podcast av Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Bava Kamma 67 Today's daf is sponsored by Naomi and Adam Ferziger in celebration of the birth of their granddaughter Sylvie Ayala, daughter of Emily and Benzion, sister of Akiva. " בשבח והודיה להשם" After resolving the first difficulty against Rav Yosef who held that when the original owner despairs of their stolen item, the thief does not acquire the item, the Gemara brings a second source to challenge Rav Yosef's position, but the challenge is resolved. Does Rabbi Yonatan disagree with Rabba who holds that when the thief changes the item it is acquired by the thief or does he agree with him? Ulla and Rava agree with Rav Yosef's position regarding ye'ush (despair) and bring sources to prove it. Why is the four or five times the payment only for a bull or sheep? This is because the words bull and sheep appear twice in the verse. Which mention of them is unnecessary? Rav holds that when the Mishna rules that a thief who steals from a thief does not pay the double payment, it is only in a case where the original owner did not despair of receiving the item back. Rav Sheshet raises a difficulty with Rav's qualification. 

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