Bava Kamma 59 - December 31, 19 Tevet
Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podcast av Michelle Cohen Farber

This week's learning is sponsored by Elisheva Gray. "We learn the daf but we also learn so much more, thanks to the wisdom of Rabbanit Michelle and to the wonderful community that has built up around our daily daf. Todah raba!" Today's daf is sponsored by Leah Brick in loving memory of her great niece Nava Tova bat Yehoshua Yisrael Leib v'Liora Charna Cherney, on her second yahrzeit. In her zechut may we see shalom in Israel soon. Abaye quotes a braita with different opinions regarding laws of evaluating payment to a field that was damaged during different stages of development of the fruits. Using this, he challenges Rava's assumption that there is a difference between damages incurred by a person and by one's animal. Various sections of the braita are analyzed and explained. The Mishna rules that if someone gives a fire to a person without knowledge, and it spreads - the one who gave him the fire is exempt in a court of law but obligated in a heavenly court. Reish Lakish and Rabbi Yochanan disagree regarding the type of fire the Mishna is referring to.