Bava Kamma 53 - December 25, 13 Tevet

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podcast av Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Bava Kamma 53 Today's daf is sponsored by Suri Stern. "Hakarat hatov to knafayim, an amazing organization that no one should ever need, but that everyone should know about, helping families through difficult baby deliveries and their partner organization, Neshama." Today's daf is sponsored by Ronit and Shlomo Eini in honor of the marriage of their daughter Tehila to Niria and for a refuah shleima to Lilly bat Victoria and to all those injured, for the safe return of the hostages, and for the protection of our soldiers.  Rav and Shmuel disagree about how to understand the case in the Mishna where the ox fell "forward" or "backward." Are both cases where the ox fell into the pit or not necessarily? How does this fit Rav and Shmuel's general positions about bor? If the ox fell into the pit because of the sounds made by someone working in the pit, the owner of the pit is fully liable. Why is it not partially the responsibility of the one inside the pit and even if the one in the pit doesn't pay damages, as it is indirect damages, the owner of the pit should only be liable for half the damages? Therefore, it must be that the Mishna holds like Rabbi Natan who holds that when an ox pushes another ox into a pit, in a case where the ox is a shor tam, and only pays a quarter of the damages, the owner of the pit compensates and pays the remainder (three-quarters). Rava and others bring other cases where the rabbis and Rabbi Natan disagree - where one leaves a stone that causes an ox to fall into a pit, two oxen gore a third ox, and a person and an ox push a person into a pit.  

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