Bava Kamma 37 - Shabbat Chanuka - December 9, 26 Kislev
Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podcast av Michelle Cohen Farber
If an animal is muad (forewarned, as the animal already gored that type of animal three times) for damaging other animals of its type, does that make the animal muad for all types of animals? If the animal is muad for people, then is the animal also considered muad for animals? If it is muad for small animals, is it muad for large animals? There are two alternative readings of the Mishna, which lead to different answers to those questions. The two different readings are brought and analyzed. Other situations of determining patterns are brought and difficulties are raised. Comparisons are made to similar issues and rules used for determining whether a woman has a set pattern for her menstrual cycle. An animal that belongs to the temple is exempt from damages. But the rabbis and Rabbi Shimon ben Menasia disagree regarding liability for a privately owned animal that gores a temple-owned animal - is the owner fully exempt or liable to pay full damages, even if the animal is tam.