Bava Kamma 24 - Shabbat November 26, 13 Kislev
Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podcast av Michelle Cohen Farber
This week's learning is sponsored by Audrey Mondrow in loving memory of Irving “poppy” Mauskopf, Yechezchel Ben Avrohom and Rachel. "A man who had complete Emunah. In good and bad times. And exemplified the meaning of 'Who is rich? A person that is happy with his lot.' May his neshama have an aliyah." This week’s learning is sponsored by Robert and Paula Cohen in loving memory of my grandfather, Joseph Cohen, Yosef ben Moshe HaCohen, z”l. "My grandfather was hard working, loved to sing, especially as a chazan and brought up his family to be committed to the mesora." Today's daf is sponsored by Rhona Fink in memory of her brother Yisrael Tzvi ben Chaim v'Malca on his 15th yahrzeit. His memory continues to inspire me to make the world a better place. How does an animal become a shor muad? Do the three occurrences need to be on separate days or can they be all on the same day? Can this be derived from laws of a zava or are those laws derived from unique wording of the Torah and therefore only relevant for a zava? According to the opinion that the occurrences need to be on three separate days, is the purpose to show that the animal is prone to dangerous behavior or is it for the purposes of warning the owner to watch his/her animal? The Gemara derives from a Tosefta Bava Kamma 2:3 that the purpose is for the animal. If one incites a dog and the dog bites someone else, the inciter is exempt but is the owner of the dog liable? Two sources are brought (including our Mishna) to answer this question but difficulties are raised against each one. If one incites a dog and the dog bites that person, Rava exempts the dog's owner as the inciter instigated the dog. The Mishna delves into keren damages. What falls under that category? Rabbi Tarfon and the rabbis disagree regarding keren damages of a shor tam that occurred on the property of the one who was damaged - does the owner of the animal pay full damages or only half?