
双语早餐【英语漫游 英语口语听力每天学 Learning English】 - En podcast av 喜马拉雅播客

「微信」或者「微博」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。---英语学习笔记:fix 修理;处理;安装;安排;惩罚  fix the problem 解决问题fix (it) for somebody to do something. 为某人安排做某事(be) in a fix 陷入困境quick fix 权宜之计————————I’ve fixed for you to see him this afternoon at four. 我替你安排了今天下午4点见他。If you ask me, the whole thing was fixed. 要我说,这整件事都是暗中安排好的。If anybody did that to me, I’d fix him good. 如果有人对我这样,我一定会狠狠修理他的。We’re going to be in a real fix if we miss that bus. 如果没赶上这趟大巴我们就真的麻烦了。That’s put us in a fix.这让我们陷入困境。There’s no quick fix for stopping pollution.停止污染没有权宜之计。If it ain't broke, don't fix it.不要去改变那些其实起作用的事物。We're happy with our exam system,and as they say, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. 我们对于我们的考试系统很满意,就像那句话说的,不要改变那些起作用的食物。